Our Approach
At Magnolia Montessori For All, we believe that children are like seeds that contain enormous potential for growth within them. Our job as educators is to provide the right environment that nurtures those seeds and helps them grow into their fullest potential. We believe that our choice about where to send our children to school is one of the most important decisions we can make. At Magnolia Montessori For All, we are creating a school that we want to send our own children to.
We commit to helping the whole child reach their enormous potential:
Academically & Intellectually
Socially & Emotionally
and Physically
Our school is divided into the following multi-age groups:
Children’s House = Pre-K3, Pre-K4, and Kindergarten
Early Elementary = 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade
Upper Elementary = 4th, 5th, and 6th grade
COMING in August 2025: Magnolia Middle
2025-2026 = 6th and 7th grade only
2026-2027 = 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
Multi-age classrooms are a hallmark of Montessori education. All children get the opportunity to have mentors and the opportunity to be mentors. They also allow children, their families, and their teachers an opportunity to develop deep and meaningful relationships that span at least three years together.
“Our job is not to prepare children for the 21st century; our job is to prepare children to transform the 21st century.”
Our Pillars
We teach by example and constantly model living with integrity, eagerly learning, acting courageously, demonstrating persistence, excelling, and respecting and helping others and the environment.
We prepare the leaders of tomorrow by providing an authentic Montessori education that includes multi-age classrooms, engaging hands-on materials, an emphasis on intrinsic motivation, student-led projects, dual-language development, rigor, and learning beyond the classroom that prepares children for high school, college, and lives as leaders in their families and communities.
Our teachers are empowered to shape curriculum and school culture and contribute to ongoing developments in the field of education through research and the dissemination of knowledge.
We partner with families to provide the most nurturing environment to help children grow into their fullest potential intellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively, and physically, so that they can pursue lives full of meaning and joy.
We strive for continuous growth through a process of Assessing–>Analyzing–>Acting. We hold ourselves and others to high expectations, engage in self-reflection, and take personal responsibility for ensuring success for each and every child.
We believe that children learn best in racially, culturally, and socio-economically diverse environments, so that they are prepared to act as global citizens and leaders. As such, we commit to working together to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our diverse community. Read more about our commitment in our statement, Creating a Welcoming & Inclusive Community For All.